Difference Between Sativa and Indica Cannabis

The main differences between Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica are determined by differences in height, growing season, leaf shape, intermodal length, leaf size,  shoot size, smoke, shoot density, odor, CBD levels, THC levels,  and their effects. 

Indica plants are shorter with wider leaves and Sativa plants are longer with narrower leaf blades. The sativa line is long, the flowers are sausage-shaped, while the Indica lines are wide, thick, and loose. You can also order premium marijuana cultivar clones in Michigan at Prima Clones.

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The brain or physical effects of the cannabis strain are usually determined by the two types of compounds found in it. Cannabinoids and terpenes. 

The cannabinoids that have the greatest impact on the effects of certain strains are THC and CBD. It is a molecular structure with unique properties and medicinal advantages. Terpenes are aromatic oils that control the smell, aroma and general taste of certain types

Indica strains are generally considered to be more calming and relaxing, which may put you to sleep with a full body effect. Sativa strains are often more uplifting and generate more energy and creativity. 

Hence, indicators are preferred for night use, and sativa is more suitable for daytime use. According to most surveys, marijuana Sativa has a higher ratio of CBD to THC, and indica has a higher ratio of THC to CBD. 

Given this, there is great diversity within each type of family line, and it is difficult to describe the distinguishable properties of the CBD and THC levels.