Salesforce Lightning: The Perfect Platform for Customer Engagement

Did you know that over 50% of customers are willing to give more for a smoother and better customer experience? These startling statistics show that retaining existing customers and attracting new customers is highly dependent on how a company interacts with its customers.

One of the main reasons companies won't connect with their customers is because they can't collect and use data that gives them an idea of how to develop and implement an effective customer loyalty strategy. You can get information about salesforce lightning training via

Salesforce Lightning is one such platform.

For those new to the platform, Salesforce Lightning is basically a suite of tools and technologies built on top of the Salesforce UI Framework, which consists of a set of modern user interfaces that are optimized for speed and aesthetics.

Lightning components: make applications fast

Salesforce Lightning comes with a number of components that can be used to build applications. With Lightning Components, you can build applications in no time, even without code.

Lightning ecosystem: availability of high quality resources in the community

Lightning Ecosystem is a set of tools and methods that you can use to build stable applications with high functionality. Each of these components allows you to add functionality that previously seemed unchanged without the programmer.

The lightning platform: innovation through components

Nowadays, building mobile applications is a great time to increase customer business because it allows companies to communicate with customers directly.

Lightning Design System: Syndicate user experience

Given the large number of products and services on the market today, it is necessary to differentiate these products / services from competitors in the market.