Tag Archives: best cloud data services

Different Levels of Web Hosting For Your Site

As a merchandiser online, it is always essential to keep track of the growth of your online business. When your company meets the highest requirements, your web hosting should be updated to accommodate this. Here is a comparison of different white-label cloud services of accommodation, you can use.

Shared hosting

Your site is set up on a server that is shared with other sites. This type of accommodation is convenient for those who are starting or have a limited budget. 

Hosting reseller

In general, reseller hosting and shared hosting have additional options and tools that help you resell hosting space. 

Cloud hosting

Cloud or network hosting is a more advanced hosting feature that allows multiple servers to fuse seemingly look like one giant server. 

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Virtual Private Server

VPS acts as separate servers but sharing a single server. They each have a specific program of IT resources but just sharing of hardware resources. 

Dedicated server

You are entitled to hire a physical server hosting service when you have a dedicated server. This gives you full control of it.


In this configuration, you rent a space on the date of the service provider. You have your server hardware, as they provide the power, Internet uplink, and other necessities. 


You can buy the servers and make all settings by yourself. Things you might need are additional bandwidth, server hardware, system administrator, data backup, and more.