Tag Archives: thumb sucking

Parenting Advice – Thumb Sucking Can Affect Your Child

Toddlers suck their thumb because it was entertaining and calming. Although there is no scientific evidence, it is possible that the baby in the mother's womb found the thumb and sucked during development. Your kid can stop finger sucking and thumb sucking by the use of guard thumb.

(Age 2-7) STOP Thumb Sucking - stop FINGER Sucking - The Hand Stopper thumb guard

Parents should not concern themselves unless it continues after the age of their permanent teeth began to appear, about six years. Experts say that it is the intensity of sucking thumbs and the urge of the tongue that damages teeth and makes the braces needed later.

Children who rest their thumbs passively in their mouths tend to experience difficulties than children who suck up aggressively. If you are worried, monitor your child carefully and analyze the technique. If they look sucking with enthusiasm, you might want to start limiting their previous habits.

Punishing or nagging your child to stop will not help because usually an automatic response. Trying to curb him by placing elastic bandages in his thumb or other methods will look like unfair punishment, especially because they enjoy the habit of comfort and security.

Try to wait. Children usually give up sucking thumbs when they find other ways to calm and cheer themselves. Consider to offer them other alternatives to entertain themselves like soft blankets or toy bedtime

The key is to pay attention to when and where they tend to suck their thumbs and offer alternatives. If it happens when they are tired, try to give more sleep. If they often suck their thumbs while watching television, try to distract them with toys that will keep their hands occupied.

How Your Child’s Thumb Sucking Affects Their Teeth As an Adult

If you are like most parents, you might watch your child suck your thumb. This is a natural coping response where young children feel safe and safe. Sucking a thumb often occurs during the baby stage when someone's baby teeth grow.  You can get rid of your child's thumb sucking problem by buying finger sucking glove via https://www.amazon.ca/Stop-Thumb-Sucking-Ages-2-7/dp/B00VQU2DZS.

Dental problems

In the middle of your frustration with your child because they don't submit the habit of sucking thumb, you might accidentally state that your child's teeth will be destroyed forever because of bad habits. "You will mess up your teeth if you continue by sucking your thumb," You might have told your child. You might even threaten your child with the declaration that they will be crooked as an adult.

While it can cause bent teeth and jaws and not in harmony, most of these problems are handled and treated in childhood later through the year so that teeth are healthy and straight when children become adults.

(Age 2-7) STOP Thumb Sucking - stop FINGER sucking - The Hand Stopper thumb guard for thumb sucking prevention

The most common dental problems that can result in sucking your excessive child's fingers include:

· Overbite.

· Problems to eat and say words

· Jaws who are not in harmony

· Malformation roof mouth

· Premature tooth losses

· Temporandular joint disorders (TMJ)

Crooked teeth and jaws that are not in harmony are just a few potential dental health problems that can occur in infancy and childhood. Consumption of juice and excessive formula can cause cavities that can describe poor harmony and small child dental health.