Tag Archives: cairns high schools

Finding The Right High School In Cairns: What To Look For Before You Decide

Choosing the right high school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. With so many different options available, it can be hard to know where to start looking. When finding a high school in Cairns, the first step is to understand the educational system in Cairns.

You should consider the age, size, type, and location of each school as well as their curricula and extra-curricular activities. Take the time to research each school's academic results and find out what kind of support services are available to students. It is also important to visit the schools in person, talk with staff members and observe classes if possible.

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In addition to choosing a school based on its educational offerings, you should also consider its culture and values. Does it have an ethos that aligns with your family's beliefs? Are there any particular clubs or extracurricular activities that interest your child? Is there an emphasis on providing a supportive environment for students? Do teachers encourage creativity and critical thinking?

Finally, keep in mind that schools often have different admission criteria depending on their level of selectivity. Some may require special exams or references from previous schools; others may be open enrollment. Make sure to check out all the relevant policies before making your decision.