Tag Archives: emergency plumbing repair

All That You Should Know About The Plumbing Emergencies

There’s never a convenient time for plumbing emergencies. Knowing what to expect and what to do when they happen will help you minimize their impact on your life and property. Here are three of the most common plumbing emergencies that need emergency plumbing repair for businesses and families alike experience.

1. Overflowing Toilet

Whether your toilet is clogged or has a malfunctioning float mechanism, the first step to take is shutting off the water flow. The water valve is located at the bottom of the water line on the side of the toilet and should be turned counterclockwise. 

Once you stop the water flowing into the toilet, the mechanical failure or clog can be addressed. Unclogging a toilet may be as simple as applying firm vertical pressure with a plunger. 

2. Stopped-Up Sink Drain

The primary way to avoid a stopped-up sink drain is to deter people from dumping coffee grounds, grease, and other dense waste down your drain. Though unfortunately, even the most careful homeowner sometimes has to deal with this nuisance. 

If using a plunger to clear material from the drain does not work, you may require an auger. An auger is simple to use with a bit of practice and determination.

3. Burst Pipes

A burst pipe can release up to 100 gallons in eight hours, making it by far the most damaging plumbing emergency. Corrosion over the years can often lead to burst pipes.

If a pipe does burst, shut off the water supply immediately. Relocate any furniture or other items if possible to minimize further damage.