Tag Archives: tummy tuck surgery

Understanding Tummy Tuck Surgery

Stomach surgery, called abdominoplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure that balances the abdominal area and eliminates excess skin and fat. Tummy tuck surgery is usually recommended for people who cannot reduce the appearance of their stomach area through a diet or exercise. Many factors can affect the results of stomach operations.

There are two types of abdominal surgery: mini and full. Tummy mini is when only the lower stomach is shrinking. Full abdominal retraction is when the entire stomach area is done. Stomach surgery is a basic surgical procedure carried out under general anesthesia. Patients must be aware of the risks, including blood loss, infection, and reaction to anesthesia.

Lift tummy tugs and repair the skin of the abdomen, which might require the manufacture of a new stomach button. In many cases, the skin is removed to reduce or eliminate stretch marks. The surgeon cuts the stomach near the pelvis. This is the main part of the operation. With full rotation, other incisions are made near the navel. The surgeon will remove fat and skin, if necessary, to flatten the stomach.

The total operating duration varies between one and five hours and depends on the operation complexity. Recovery may include hospitalization or patients can be removed immediately after leaving the operation. At home, it is a patient's responsibility to ensure that they follow all their surgeon's care instructions to minimize the risk of infection or complications, and to promote healing.

Stomach surgery is something that can help someone improve their bodies when all other efforts fail. However, this is not the best solution for everyone. People who might lose weight or get pregnant in the future are often recommended to wait for abdominal surgery. However, for most patients, the stomach will significantly improve their appearance and help them feel more confident.