What Does A Fire Damage Restoration Service Do?

When a fire damages a property, the first thing that many homeowners do is call a Fire Damage Restoration Service. However, not everyone knows what to look for in a qualified restoration company. In this article, we'll outline the process of hiring a fire damage restoration service and tell you what to expect.

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First, you'll need to assess the extent of the damage. This can be done using photos or videos of the property before and after the fire. Once you have an idea of what needs to be fixed, you can start looking for a restoration service. 

You should choose a restoration company based on their experience with fires, insurance coverage, and price. You may also want to ask around for recommendations or check out reviews online. 

Once you've chosen your company, it's time to set up a time for them to come and assess the damage. They will likely send someone out to do an inspection before starting any work. 

The restoration process will likely include: cleaning up debris; restoring structural elements like walls and ceilings; repairing windows and doors; rebuilding carpets and furniture; and reconstructing electrical systems if necessary. Depending on the severity of the fire, some tasks may be more difficult than others, so it’s important to discuss your expectations with your chosen restoration company in advance. 

If you have any questions about how to go about hiring a fire damage restoration service or anything else related to this type of reconstruction please don't  hesitate to contact us.